What is Travel Trade Today?

What is Travel Trade Today?

Our Mission: Provide important travel news, insights and resources for the global travel community. 

Travel Trade Today is a travel media site integrating news from around the world so you are better informed, educated and ahead of the curve.

Enjoy over 100,000 articles are available in over 50 topics from general travel trade news, to travel startups, travel thought leaders, notable travel companiestravel technology including ChatGPT or Travel Blockchain (to name a few) and so much more.

  • Read news from around the world so you can get ahead of future travel trends and threats.
  • Educate yourself on the latest news, trends and updates across the global travel industry.
  • Inform yourself and others with travel insights from travel thought leaders from around the world.

We also provide a travel press release distribution service to expose your travel press releases on our site and (hopefully) on Google News.

Be in touch with any questions/concerns and thank you for visiting Travel Trade Today!